my mom is awesome. i enjoy doing many things with her, including talking about things for very long periods of time, and being philosophical with her, and then also shopping. shopping with my mom is fabulous because she and i like similar things and know what each other like and know what looks good on each other, like, better than anybody else in the world. so we make very good shopping partners.
we also both really like thrift store shopping, which is nice. but anyway, right now we’re getting ready for the 2-week-long Spain trip we’re leaving for on Tuesday – we’re doing a home exchange thing with some Spanish couple, so they’ll stay in our apartment and we’ll stay in theirs – and it’s taking a lot of work. we have to pack away a lot of the stuff in our apartment so it’s not all cluttery and in the way for them, and we have to clean for them, and we have to go shopping for summer clothes for us. so that’s what my mom and i did today and yesterday, is shopping. i’ve gotten many many of the things i’ve needed including sunglasses, shorts, a denim skirt, and dresses.
dresses, dresses, dresses. my mom and i have been kind of dress-happy lately and really freaking like them right now for some reason. do you know how many cute dresses there are in the world? i didn’t, until recently. today we were at a thrift store we both like for quite a long time, and i found 3 of possibly the cutest dresses in the world. and for that reason, i am happy.
also, i was looking at the cds there just like, hmm these are mostly really crappy Swedish cds but maybe there’ll be something good in here, you never know. might as well look. and then i just happen upon motion city soundtrack’s album commit this to memory, with the wrapping still totally on the cd. for 20 kr. i had a mini-heart attack. and made my mom buy it for me. best cd find in a thrift store EVER. omg.
an afi cd and an angels and airwave cd were in there too but my mom already has both of those, and they’re much less exciting anyway, so yeah.
it’s just so WEIRD XD why would i find THAT cd at a secondhand store in SWEDEN XD
but it’s awesome.
my mom and i have decided that secondhand shopping is a really good solution to the expensiveness issue that Sweden has. my mom for example got a dress for like 60 kr and the tag from the store it was originally bought at was still on it, saying that it was 250 kr or something. it’s much cheaper to do it like this. plus, you can find really unique things that aren’t in H&M and Bik Bok and whatever, and it’s actually really fun to dig through it all, in my opinion.
in other news, tomorrow is my LAST DAY OF SCHOOL <3 this school year was fairly uneventful and it’s really weird that it’s over already, but i’m very happy that i don’t have to deal with going to school for a few months. i plan to take advantage of my last summer in Sweden as much as i possibly can. i’m only gone for two weeks of it which is nice.
anywayyyysss i’ll maybe post pictures after tomorrow <3 byeee ^^