Hello, my name is [Meagan].
I came into the world on the [18th] day of [March].
There are(is) [7] month(s) until the day I graced the world with my presence.
I have [brown] hair and [brown] eyes.
My height is [5’5”].
The last time I vacuumed was [like a week ago when i broke some plates].
I live in [an epic new apartment].
Right now I am craving [those pink- and white-frosted animal cookies in the US with sprinkles on them that i had when i was little? if those even are made anymore. i hate it when i crave American food].
The last time I went to the doctor was for [a crazy leg skin infection i got some months ago].
I have [many spread-through-the-world, missed] friends.
My favorite television show is [The Office, probably].
I want my future profession to be [some sort of psychologist/therapist].
My biggest pet peeve is [one of many things that society and the people within it do, i can’t choose just one].
My favorite soft drink is [7up? i don’t know, i don’t really like soda so much].
Currently my father is [at work].
Currently my mother is [upstairs? i don’t really know].
I am answering this survey on a [Gateway].
My keyboard is [black].
I don’t go back to school until [August 23rd].
There are [many] movie theater(s) in my town.
My cellphone is [on my window sill, within reach].
My cellphone provider is [Tele2].
The last time I laid under the stars I was with [i don’t know, that’s not exactly something i do often].
I have ____ scars.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four plus
I have __ dog(s).
a. one [in the US whom i miss very much]
b. two
c. three
d. four plus
Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
a. pro-life
b. pro-choice
c. pro-choice to a pointd. i don’t care
I wish mostly on:
a. shooting stars
b. 11:11 c. cat tails
d. dandelions
I am currently texting:
a. a friend
b. my spousec. my parents
d. a family member
I know how to knit or crochet.
a. yeah, i do [though i don’t know absolutely everything of course]
b. no, not at all
c. I can up to a point.
I would consider being a stripper.
a. yeah, it’s like my life goal.
b. Yeah, as a last possible option.
c. I would never, even as a last resort.
My web browser is:
a. internet explorer
b. firefox c. flock
d. other
The last time I used a dictionary:
a. less than a week ago.
b. just over a week ago, in fact.
c. a few months ago.
d. I can’t even remember.
I mostly listen to…
a. rock b. jazz
c. country
d. rap
Coke or Pepsi?
a. coke
b. Pepsi
c. Either
d. Neither
What color mostly reflects your personality?
i don’t think there’s any one colour that just like summarizes me, but maybe some shade of dark pink, or purple or something
If you could switch bodies with anyone of the same gender as you, who would it be?
yeah i’ma have to agree with sarah, maybe hayley williams. or like, zooey deschanel. i don’t really want to all of a sudden be like way older though… i dunno. i really don’t know.
Are you happy with your name, or would you change it?
if i suddenly had the option to change it, i really might, just cause that’d be awesome, but i’m pretty happy with it
What is irritating you right now?
the massive pile of crap on my bed that i need to organize in my room still
Is there someone who is on your mind nine tenths of the day?
i don’t even think that’s possible. no.
Do you have serious trust issues?
i also trust too easily. what sarah said. not like WAY too easily but if i had a problem that’s what it would be.
Do you give out second chances too easily?
depends who it is.
What was the last thing you thought about before drifting into sleep?
i have no idea
Do you find silences awkward?
sometimes. it depends.
If your enemy showed up on your doorstep begging for forgiveness, what would you do?
i also don’t have anyone i consider an enemy. i have no idea who that would be in this situation.
What is something you want?
for this school year to not be as hard as i suspect it’s going to be. also to visit Colorado and also Kansas. also a million dollars. also a pet hedgehog.
Did you change best friends a lot in elementary school?
umm, well i went to three different schools over the course of elementary school so yeah, i really did
Do you ever wish you were born in a different time period?
nah, this one’s good.
Would you forgive your best friend for telling the world your biggest secret?
i have no idea what my biggest secret is, but i suppose i would if that were to happen, yes
Think you’ll be married in five years?
dude, no. too early.
Do any of your friends smoke?
umm, none of my close friends, i don’t think, but i do have friends who do, yes
One wish?
the ability to teleport anywhere at any given time.
[ ] I think Hayden Panettiere is pretty.
[ ] someone has a crush on me.
[ ] ^ I like them back.
[x] I have an excellent relationship with my parent(s)
[ ] My phone has a removable memory.
[ ] I find my sibling awfully annoying sometimes. (not anymore, really)
[x] I like finding new music.
[ ] I am currently wearing something from my boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ ] I cannot leave the house without applying make-up and putting on jewelry.
[ ] I watch Vh1 on a regular basis.
[ ] I have seen every episode of the “i love…” series.
[x] I collect something weird. (cool shopping bags…)
[ ] I find a hairy man/woman sexy.
[ ] I hate Twilight. (i hate the movies, and the franchise in general but i don’t HATE the books.)
[ ] I love Twilight.
[x] I think Robert Pattinson is ugly.
[ ] I think Robert Pattinson is the epitome of hot.
[ ] I have Dish Network.
[ ] I love the song “Whip It” by Devo.
[ ] I live in a huge city. (not HUGE.)
[ ] I live in a small town.
[ ] I am listening to music on Youtube right now.
[ ] I shave my dog yearly. (who DOES that)
[ ] I have a tiny dog.
[x] I have a medium-sized dog.
[ ] I have a large dog.
[ ] I don’t own a dog.
[x] I have a cat, though.
[ ] I miss ’80s music.
[ ] I like to hunt.
[ ] I like to fish.
[x] I think killing animals for sport is stupid.
[ ] I listen to nerd rock.
[x] I like to name my pets with original names.
[ ] I want to be famous.
[ ] I do not wish to be famous, I just wanna be rich.
[x] I am hungry.
[ ] I am thirsty.
[ ] I am just fine, thanks.
[ ] I have a large ego, and I’m not afraid to admit it.
[ ] I twitter.