anyway, i am now 17 years of age. i saw MCR yesterday and it was honestly one of the greatest experiences of my life, i think. it was absolutely amazing. seeing them in real life… just like, there… and they were such good performers… i miss it, dude. and i got a t-shirt and a poster, so yay.
i also got some excellent presents. hooray!
17 17 17. so weird. one more year until i am an ADULT. legally, an ADULT. it’s funny because i wanted to be 18 so badly when i was like 15 and i calculated the exact number of days until then, and it was over 900 (but not 9000) and now it’s 364. that’s not very long, really. one year goes by very quickly.
speaking of that, we still haven’t made a decision. we will have one made by March 31st, cause we have to. but yeah.
okay, now i have to get ready for this little birthday shindig i’m having. i have things to do. i am just so lazy.
thing i ♥ of the day: my new glasses