Tuesday, November 24, 2009

you have not lived until you have had a gelli baff.

gelli baff. two baggies of chemicals inside a box, one which hardens bathwater into strange, bright blue jelly, and one which dissolves it back into water when you’re done.

one of the more bizarre, yet creative, gifts purchased by my dad to give to my mom.

i’m pretty freaking sure it just uploaded that video to youtube. nice. my mom is now on youtube. i’ll go hide that video sometime…

anyway, the reason that we chose to use the strange, amazing thing that is gelli baff today, is that my mom passed her Swedish level C test today! she took the test last week and i don’t think i’ve ever seen her stress out about something academic in a looong time. the amount of freaking out she put toward this test was equivalent to the amount of freaking out she put toward plenty of things when she was in university a few years ago. she studied so much and i’m so very proud of her, CONGRATULATIONS MOTHER :D

here are some more pictures of the epicness of gelli baff.





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