Tuesday, September 28, 2010

not knowing

where i’m going to live in a year, knowing that i’ll probably never live in Colorado again, and considering all of the pluses and minuses of each option is very overwhelming for me.
have i shown you my new Gameboy and its amazing case? my parents got it for me off Blocket or Ebay or something, i dunno, but they surprised me with it :D we’ve been discussing getting me one for a while but i didn’t know they got this one. they sent Emily and i out to get groceries and it was in the backseat ^^ i kinda freaked out.
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in that last picture, my new games are on the left, and my old ones are on the right.
it’s amazing and i love it so much. <3
these are better pictures of the bunny that i knitted…
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it has character. and very long arms.
Sunday, we went to Skansen. it was pretty cold out all day long but it was fun because we got kroppkakor or whatever, those white dumpling amazing things with lingon, and saw all the animals, and my mom took a gazillion pictures. fun fun.my internet is finally all better. and a battery has been ordered for my phone. :D
oh oh oh. also, i was just realizing the day that i took these pictures, when a bunch of my friends hung out at my friend Lydia’s house and outside it, was a year ago from the day that i originally wrote this blog post and couldn’t post it cause my internet didn’t work. so from Sunday. it’s funny cause we did that again this September, and we did a lot of the same things. like, played King and some board games, but not quite as many.

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a year agooo. i took a lot of pictures i like that day. i was a redhead. now i am a darkbrownhead.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

oh snap my future just got unclear.


read that blog post of my mom’s and you will see why.

if you are too lazy to read that, i will sum it up for you. basically my dad’s Ericsson office in Colorado is closing down. this means that he doesn’t have a job waiting for him there, clearly, which means that we proooobably won’t go back there in July 2011 as planned. if we did, he’d work at an entirely different place, and none of us see this happening. the other Ericsson offices in the US are in California and Texas, and we’re not even sure we can go to those places, like, at all; there might not be a job for him there at that point and even if there was i don’t think there’s any way to find that out in time, because you have to say 6 months in advance if you plan to move back, and it’s not like you can start applying for a job 6 months ahead of the time that you want to have it. but yeah. i reeeeally don’t want to live in texas and i’m not a big fan of the idea of living in california either, so that doesn’t disappoint me too much.

however, this does make it a definite possibility that we will stay here even longer. again. either for another year or, who knows, forever. there is a looot to think about and it’s very, very complicated, but we’re all over here like what the crap are our lives going to be like one year from now? it’s especially hard when you take into account the fact that i’m going to college in two years. that is one of many, many big problems with all of this.

i’m not even sure how i feel or what i want; i don’t think any of us are. there are huge pros and cons list for every option. actually, we don’t even know what all the option are. it’s all just ridiculous.

not to mention, my phone battery got wet the other day so i can’t use my phone. all sorts of tragedies are being laid down on us, dude, there is a large list of Big Stressful Issues that have been occurring in the last, like, 6 months or something. also Little Stressful Issues like the thing with my phone.

it could be a long time until we know what we’re going to do; we expect to have some idea by around Christmas for now. i am of course not-very-patiently awaiting the verdict. for now i need to do homework and put episodes of The Office on my mom’s computer. yes, that’s right, i’m getting her hooked too.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


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i took this picture exactly a year ago. do i look any older?


one thing that really separates me from a lot of the rest of my class, and just many other people i know in Sweden is that so many of them drink fairly frequently and a lot smoke upon occasion, if not regularly, as well. when the topic comes up i either go silent or be the one saying stuff like, i’ve never even consumed alcohol apart from being with my family. which is true, i haven’t. it’s just become more of a topic of interest in my mind lately, how i’m just not the type of person to do that yet. i have high standards for myself. i look down on people when they do that to themselves, especially so early and especially when it’s obviously just for reasons of wanting attention and  trying to be cool, which it so often is. it’s just important to me that i don’t.

i’m waiting to drink. i don’t know how long, but i know that for my own self i don’t want to yet, and i know that i’d let down a lot of the people i’m very closest to if i did now, and it’s just important to me. and i will never smoke. ever. many people think i will. i remember one of my first weeks of school here i was saying that and a girl in my class was saying that i wouldn’t last long at all in a Swedish high school never smoking. it’s not too crazy for her to have said that; a ridiculous number of Swedish girls smoke. but i know that i never will. the people that know me well know that too. i do not want to. i  could compile a list of the things that it does to a person’s body, and it would be quite lengthy. plus, it smells absolutely awful, is expensive to keep up, it’s illegal, and it’s just disgusting. it’s not something i’m willing to do to myself. the end.

this is me at the moment.


i am a happy girl, for i don’t start tomorrow until 12:05 pm :D hoorah.

now i’ma go try and fail to read 100 pages of Hercules in Swedish by tomorrow. wish me luck. adios. <3

Sunday, September 12, 2010

there’s this iPod game i used to be addicted to.

it is called Scramble 2.

at one point, i was able to make my own name from a set of letters in it.

clearly it didn’t count as a word, but it was still pretty epic.


the last week

within the last week lots of stuff happened. we’ve had all sorts of half-days and crap, and also a week ago we had the carnival… Wednesday was the Insparksfest, which was really fun, and Thursday IB went to Tom Tit’s. i could go into detail about all these things but i really don’t feel like it. it’s been fun, though. but now homework is piling on TT.TT we read Brave New World in English, which was a really good book, and we’ve started reading Hercules in Swedish which will probably be pretty darn difficult. i’ve been babysitting occasionally and stuff. yeah.

there’s also this thing i want to do… we can volunteer to have a student from an IB Polish school stay at our house for 5 days in October, then those who host the students get to go there in May. i really, really want to do that. i think it’d be awesome and fun, plus we get a crapload of CAS points which is important. it’s one experience that students remember most in their time here from IB2, apparently, which is understandable. if my parents let me, i’m so gonna volunteer to do that.

that’s pretty much it. like i said in my last post i haven’t exactly had internet lately, which is why i haven’t been blogging, but i’ll start doing that a little more regularly again methinks.


because of something weird with our building’s new network not working with our router or something.

but now i do.

that is all.


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