Wednesday, November 17, 2010

my desktop right now


this is one of many pictures it cycles through for the desktop background, though. there are tons more. it changes every 15 minutes. and the thing in the corner isn’t always Hayley Williams, it shuffles through every picture on my computer, which is pretty freakin sweet.

but yeah. just thought you’d be interested in how my desktop looks. windows 7 ftw.

thing i ♥ of the day:


that’s right.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


i love how badly i failed with blogging every day of my last year in Sweden. i realize that that’s probably due in part to the fact that i’m not actually so sure it’s my last year anymore. that’s basically the main topic of interest in my home as of late and we have FREAKING NO IDEA WHAT WE’RE GOING TO DO.

seriously, either place we decide to live, there are going to be huge things we’ll have to deal with and pretty much the same amount of stress either way, just put into different areas depending on which we choose. but yeah. we’ll have to decide sooner or later. probably sooner. it’s wearing on all of us a lot. especially my poor mom who likes to plan ahead as much as she does.

i’m considering finding some 30-day blog challenge to do though, with like a topic for each day and stuff. i think that’d be fun. people are doing awesome 30- and 60-day challenges on Facebook that i really want to do. totally my cup of tea. yes, i just used that phrase. i did.

thing i ♥ of the day: this stuffed cat i bought from Lagerhaus the other day. his name is Humphrey Jenkins. he is pleased to meet you.


Monday, November 8, 2010

all you need is love, love; love is all you need.

     back at school after the break today. i was so sleepy and the break went by sooo quickly, even though i didn’t do too much of anything. i’m happy cause i have Wednesday and Thursday off for development talks. hooraaay.

6 1/2 weeks… 32 days counting the days off… until the winter break. and that one is like 3 weeks long or something so that’s quite nice.

i’m just not a very big fan of school.

thing i ♥ of the day: interesting and pretty nails.

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(those last ones are my own; they’re Guitar Hero nails. :D)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

this is Halloween, everybody make a scene

actually, it’s 2 days after Halloween. silly me.

but Halloween was pretty fun. i celebrated for the first time in like 3 years. on Saturday i went to an IB2 party dressed as a pirate, which was fun. i wore red lipstick and fake eyelashes, both for the first time in my life.

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i didn’t get all that many pictures; i should have taken more. i wore my mom’s boots, which was a terrible idea because she’s two sizes smaller than i am, and got the worst blister i’ve ever had before, i think, and didn’t even get a picture with them on to document how pirate-y they are. what a freaking rip-off.

besides that, my family carved a pumpkin for the first time in years…


first pumpkin we’ve ever carved as something besides a really typical jack-o-lantern face with silly teeth and stuff. i think it turned out pretty epic.

my parents had a party, too, and they decorated really cool-ly for it and dressed up all Bavarian, my mom in a dirndl and my dad in lederhosen… yes, i did have to look up how to spell both of those words… and that was cool. they carved a pumpkin out and used it as a thing for punch or something, which was freaking the coolest thing i’ve ever seen because not only was it just a pumpkin which is cool enough but they put dry ice in the drink, which took it from “really cool” to “holy crap that is epic.” and they also glued tiny spiders all over it and got a drink scooper thing, i do not know what those are called, that was totally like something that would be in a witch’s cauldron. it was so. cool.

and then on actual Halloween, i went to Richard’s house and we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas which i think is more of a Halloween movie than a Christmas movie but could be either i think. i love that movie. but anyway it’s silly because Hayley Williams and her boyfriend dressed up as Jack Skellington and Sally this year. craaazy. i follow her Tumblr in case you’re wondering how i know that information. she looked very cute.

speaking of which, i gave in and got a Tumblr. but it’s not even remotely set up yet. i keep procrastinating that. if setting up a blog really counts as procrastinating. not like there’s a deadline. whatever. but i think it’ll become like, another thing i’m ridiculously distracted from everything else by.

and on that note, i am off.

thing i ♥ of the day: Robot Unicorn Attack.



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